To support the Juntos Al Kinder pilot project
Center for Diversity & the Environment
To provide general operating support
To renovate the Crook County Library children's room
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies - Montana Coalition
To convene local early childhood providers to share effective strategies, receive training and begin to identify state-level priorities to advance early learning in Montana.
To provide general operating support
To support Community Partner's Program to provide access to Museum to all communities
To provide general operating support
To provide general operating support
To support "Let Us Build Cully Park" initiative
Grantmakers of Oregon & SW Washington
To provide capacity-building support
To support a feasibility analysis for building acquisition for community facility
To support the Funders For Montana's Children collaborative
Northwestern University Aphasia Center
To provide general operating support
To support Oregon Integrated Child Database Initiative
To support Brain Innovation Program
The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri
To provide general operating support
To support the development of a study on the human health benefits for outdoor experience
To provide general operating support
To support its Bonding with Books program
National Workforce Registry Alliance
To study the U.S. Army child care system model to improve the quality of state child care systems.
To provide general operating support
To partner with the medical community to promote and provide resources geared towards early childhood education and school readiness
To support expansion of CI's statewide focus, explore the impact rural poverty has on school readiness, and work to strengthen linkages between early childhood, education, and health practice and policy.
To develop a pipeline of culturally-specific, culturally relevant and rural-based trainers to provide training for early childhood care and education providers for underserved families.
To support public library projects in Oregon.
Social Venture Partners Portland
To providesupport for general operating and systems innovation investments
To provide general operating support and support for healthy forests initiatives
To support the Oregon Health and Outdoors Initiative
To support the construction and renovation of the organization’s facility and gymnasium
To support the Oregon Impact Fund that will provide catalytic growth capital to Oregon-based ventures