To support the Juntos Aprendemos program
Oregon Public Health Institute
To support the Nature and Health Initiative
To support its International Educators Institute program
To provide holistic educational and empowerment opportunities to low-income Latina women and their families
General operating support
To support a professional learning community focused on garden education in a low-income elementary school in Portland
To support a statewide needs assessment of Oregon libraries
Nature Conservancy of Portland
To support the organization?s volunteer program
To support the construction of an Urban Grange, which will be a hub for healthy food and community connection
To support the Juntos Aprendemos program
To support the Nature and Health Initiative
To support its rural and health related programs for children, newborn to age 8
Social Venture Partners Portland
General operating support
Investment to develop education and training programs for investment managers, entrepreneurs, and members in the area of impact investing and the use of specialized funds to focus on community and regional advancement.
To support for Ecotrust?s food system reform efforts and FoodHub.
Low interest loan to renovate and manage The Marble, an affordable space for food logistics, processing & production, research, education, events, and conferencing.